K-Sool Card News

Mugwort & Korean Liquors The Right K-Sool for “Halmaenials”
  • 작성자 관리자
  • 작성일 2024-07-18
  • 조회수 55


Desserts made with traditional Korean ingredients like ssuk (mugwort) and injeolmi (rice cake dusted with soybean powder) are gaining popularity in Korea, connecting the MZ generation (millennials and Gen Z) to their rich heritage. There's even a new term called 'halmaenial,' which refers to the MZ generation passionately seeking out desserts traditionally enjoyed by grandmothers (halmae).

This trend also extends to Korean liquors, appealing to the tastes of halmaenials. Here are four traditional Korean liquors showcasing mugwort’s sweet and tart flavors




Onzi Sook

Intense taste of fresh mugwort


Onzi Sook is a type of takju with a strong scent of mugwort. It offers gentle sweetness, fruity flavors, fresh mugwort notes, and delicate tartness, all of which harmonize well. The true flavors of this takju are best experienced at room temperature.

Onzi Sook is a great pair for clear soup dishes or lean, light white fish. Onzi Sook is a great pair for clear soup dishes or lean, light white fish.





Sweetness gained by tea-production process


The name SUCRE is a fusion of the Korean word ‘ssuk’(mugwort) with the French ‘sucré’ (sugar), reflecting the sweetness of this takju and the refreshing notes of mugwort.

SUCRE is meticulously crafted, with mugwort processed using tea-manufacturing techniques. After brewing, the takju is patiently stored for 100 days before it is ready for consumption. SUCRE offers a unique taste of mugwort that pairs best with mild flavors or simple sourdough bread.




Buja Gin Seoul Batch #0001

The first Korean handcrafted gin with distinct floral and herbal notes


Buja Gin Seoul Batch #0001 (Signature Gin) is the first Korean handcrafted gin, brewed with 15 high-quality herbs locally grown in Korea.

‘Buja’ literally means ‘father and son’ in Korean. This personal touch is evident in the gin’s production, where the father grows 12 of the 15 herbs on the herb farm he has managed for 23 years. One of them is sweet wormwood, also known as annual mugwort.

Buja Gin is a perfect match for unseasoned meat or heavy dishes.




Fragrant and tart mugwort meets our ancestors’ medicine


Ddeul is a premium takju made only from Gyeonggi-do rice, nuruk yeast, mugwort, and pine needles. It is produced in limited batches, using an entirely handcrafted process.

The initial sip takes you on a unique taste journey, filling your mouth with floral and apricot flavors, followed by fragrant and tart mugwort. It is a versatile drink that pairs well with a range of dishes. Experience the diverse flavors of this takju with braised dishes in various sauces, meat, and seafood.